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时间:2024-05-13人气: 作者: 浩宇


【 Chinese Culture, meet Paris Culture and Art Travel Online Exhibition 】


-- Recommended artist Wang Youde

王有德,笔名石玉,1949年出生。自幼酷爱书画艺术,组织书画摄影展览二十次,艺术论文《论形象思维》获国际金奖。著有《石玉诗集》、《石玉印集》 。诗词被国际文化艺术协会台湾总会理事长石翁先生赞誉为“文章洒丽,句句清新”。原中央美术学院副院长,全国著名书画家朱乃正先生对其艺术成就给予了热情赞扬,慎敬地题写了“癖于斯,游于艺”的法书。原北京电视台台长、中国戏剧家协会编审、作家王浩对石玉先生更是仰赖有加,谓“以君之多才及勤奋,来日报国,为民有期,吾人厚望焉”。

Wang Youde, under pen name Shi Yu, was born in 1949. He has been fond of calligraphy and painting since childhood. He has organized calligraphy and photography exhibitions for 20 times. His art paper "on Image Thinking" won the international gold medal. He is the author of Shi Yu Poetry Collection and Shi Yu Printing Collection. The poetry was praised by Mr.Shi Weng, president of Taiwan Association of International Culture and Art Association, as "the article is beautiful, and every sentence is fresh". Mr.Zhu Naizheng, former vice president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and a national famous calligrapher and painter, gave warm praise to his artistic achievements and carefully inscribed "obsessed with Si, traveling in art". Wang Hao, the former director of Beijing TV Station, the editor and writer of the Chinese Dramatists Association, relied on Mr.Shi Yu, saying that "with the many talent and diligence, to the country, for the people for a while, we have high expectations".

       现任美国海外艺术家协会理事,当代青年文学研究会副理事长,青海省摄影家协会会员,中国国际出版社顾问编委,中国书画学会名誉主席,中国书画名家研究会副会长,瑞典皇家艺术学院荣誉博士等。事迹载入《世界名人录》、《中华人物辞海》、《中国摄影家全集》、《世界优秀专家人才名典》、《中华名人申奥献词签名大典》、《世界华人文学艺术界名人录》 等六十多部辞书中。中国国学研究会授予“德艺双馨国学家”荣誉称号。中国书画学会授于“中国书画大师”等荣替称号。联合国中华传统文化组委会、中国文化遗产保护研究院等四单位评选为“中华传统文化杰出传承人”。世界非物质文化遗产研究会、中国传统艺术协会、世界华人文艺家联合会等单位评为首届世界文艺功勋奖金奖,并授予“世界非物质文化遗产传承人物”荣誉称号。聘任英國皇家藝術研究院首席藝術家兼高级顾问。

       Currently, he is a director of the American Overseas Artists Association, vice president of contemporary Youth Literature Research Association, a member of Qinghai Photographers Association, consultant editorial board of China International Publishing House, honorary chairman of The Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Society, vice president of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters Research Association, and honorary doctor of the Royal Swedish Academy of Art. His deeds have been included in more than 60 dictionaries, such as "World Famous People", "Cihai of Chinese People", "Complete Works of Chinese Photographers", "World Excellent Experts and Talents", "Signature Ceremony of Chinese Celebrities bidding for the Olympic Games", and "Famous People of World Chinese Literature and Art circles". The Chinese Society of Sinology awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Scholar of virtue and art". The Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Society was awarded the title of "Master of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy". The United Nations Organizing Committee on Chinese Traditional Culture, the Chinese Institute of Cultural Heritage Protection and other four units were selected as "Outstanding Inheritors of Chinese Traditional Culture". The World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Association, The Chinese Traditional Art Association, the World Chinese Federation of Writers and Artists and other units were awarded the first World Literary and Art Merits Award and the honorary title of "World Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Person". Chief artist and senior consultant to the Royal Academy of Arts.

