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时间:2024-05-13人气: 作者: 浩宇


【 Chinese Culture, meet Paris Culture and Art Travel Online Exhibition 】


——Recommended artisZhang Hui



他的代表作品《千年名家绘钟馗临摹长卷》更是震撼画界。这幅长达 116 米、宽 0.62 米的巨作,将 214 个历代钟馗画像临摹荟萃于一体,荣获了大世界基尼斯之最的殊荣。在创作过程中,为了更真实地还原钟馗画的面貌,张老还选择了一些民间钟馗画。这幅《长卷》沿用传统体制,将钟馗年画、文钟馗、武钟馗、钟馗醉酒图等十式进行了精彩的展示。


在艺术成就方面,张惠老师硕果累累。他多次参加各类书画展并获奖,如 2014 年参加“世界张姓宗亲书画展”获优秀奖;2015 年参加吉林省“翰墨丹青颂祖国”书画展等。



Teacher Zhang Hui, a highly respected artist. He is not only a member of the Communist Party of China, but also served as deputy secretary of the Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the former Changchun Housing and Land Bureau.

Mr. Zhang Hui specializes in Chinese painting and is especially famous for his painting Zhong Kui. He called himself "Kui Ling Weng" and "Songxue Old Man", and invested great enthusiasm and energy in the creation of Zhong Kui series. Through collecting, exploring, researching and copying, Zhang Hui has achieved fruitful results in the field of Zhong Kui's paintings.

His representative work "thousand-year famous painting Zhong Kui's copy long volume" is shocking the painting world. This masterpiece, 116 meters long and 0.62 meters wide, combines 214 portraits of Zhong Kui in one body and has won the most prestigious award of the Great World Guinness. In the process of creation, in order to more truly restore the face of Zhong Kui's paintings, Zhang also chose some folk Zhong Kui paintings. This "Long Scroll" follows the traditional system, the Zhong Kui New Year painting, Wen Zhong Kui, Wu Zhong Kui, Zhong Kui drunk picture of ten wonderful display.

Zhang Hui teacher under the pen Zhong Kui, leopard head round eyes, iron face curly beard, heavyset, formidable, set many painters long. His painting styles are diverse, or meticulous brushwork, or freehand brushwork, and even a combination of eastern and Western painting techniques, creating the first Zhong Kui painting, known as "thousands of faces Zhong Kui" by friends.

In terms of artistic achievements, Teacher Zhang Hui has fruitful results. He has participated in various calligraphy and painting exhibitions for many times and won awards, such as the "World Family Zhang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" in 2014 and won the excellence award; In 2015, he participated in the calligraphy and painting exhibition of "Calligraphy and Painting" in Jilin Province.

Zhang Hui's artistic achievements and his love and dedication to Chinese painting have made him an outstanding representative in the field of Chinese painting. His works not only show his superb painting skills, but also convey the essence of traditional Chinese culture.

Zhang Hui's contributions and achievements in the field of traditional Chinese painting will always be remembered, and his works will continue to inspire and influence subsequent

