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时间:2024-05-21人气: 作者: 浩宇


Chinese Culture, Meet Paris Culture and Art Exhibition Online


——Recommended artist Guo Xiulan

郭秀兰,女,1954年出生,陕西省西安人。1970年参加工作,曾在囯防厂科研单位工作。1996年内退后自谋生意,经营玉器字画店二十余年。自幼热爱绘画,擅长写意牡丹,工作之余刻苦研习绘画,经过多年勤学苦练,绘画水平进一步提高,对绘画艺术有了深刻理解,创作作品深受亲友及社会各界人士喜爱,作品逐渐走出画室,参加了各类大赛、展览,得到更多人们的关注和认可。现为国家一级美术师 ,中国东方巨龙书画艺术家研究会会员,书画号签约艺术家并获得北京润格估价艺术中心估价证书,山东子日美术馆副馆长, 楹联书法艺术研究会会员, 北京华夏兰亭书画院院士,陕西省扶贫书画院专业书画家,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会委员,并得到文化部确权认证书,并获中国东方文化研究会艺术委员会研究纳入中国人才专业数据库证书,同时被聘请为世界非物质研究院副院长。

Guo Xiulan, female, was born in 1954 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. He started working in 1970, and once worked in the scientific research unit of the national defense plant. In 1996, he retired to seek a business and operated a jade calligraphy and painting shop for more than 20 years. Since love painting, good at freehand brushwork peony, work hard study painting, after years of study hard, painting level, has the deep understanding of painting art, creative works loved by friends and relatives and the social people from all walks of life, work gradually out of the studio, participated in all kinds of competition, exhibition, get more people's attention and recognition. Now the national level artist, China Oriental dragon painting and calligraphy artists research association, painting and signing artists and get Beijing lish center appraisal art certificate, Shandong son, art museum, couplet calligraphy art research association member, Beijing huaxia lanting academy, shaanxi academy professional calligrapher, Chinese artists association new literary group artists working committee, and get the ministry of culture approval certification, and won the Chinese Oriental culture research committee art research into Chinese talent professional database certificate, at the same time was hired for the world, vice President of the intangible institute.

