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时间:2024-05-23人气: 作者: 浩宇


Chinese Culture, Meet Paris Culture and Art Exhibition Online


——Recommended artist Zhang Yanjie


Both China and France are countries with a long civilization and history and profound cultural deposits. In a signed article published by the French newspaper Le Figaro, President Xi Jinping pointed out that China and France took the lead in setting up cultural centers and holding cultural years for each other, playing a leading role for mutual learning among global civilizations.


The unique and colorful cultures of the two countries attract the two peoples to each other and appreciate the essence of each other's cultures. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 60 years ago, the Chinese and French peoples have respected, treated each other as equals and trusted each other, laying a deep popular support for the development of bilateral relations.


Zhang Yanjie, female, born in Cangzhou, Hebei province, in April 1961, with a college degree. She has been engaged in financial work in the active inspection department. After retirement, she joined the university for the elderly and studied fine brush painting.

自2023年在朋友刘凤茹那里看到会派牡丹创始人国家一级美术师,中国老年书画研究会创作研究员,河南登云云台山画院名誉院长——李会教授的作品,幅幅洒脱飘逸、美伦美奂,使自己眼前一亮,陶醉其中,从此拜会派画家李会教授为师,专攻国画写意牡丹。在老师的精心指导下,很下功夫,每天笔耕不辍,凭着自己的执着和努力,水平与日俱增,画出了自己的漂亮画作。作品曾参加了“纽约时代广场——海外展播”并获得《荣誉证书 》,于2024年3月份获得了艺连网“特聘艺术家”聘书,于2024年4月份获得“艺连网艺术品鉴定委员会”颁发的艺术作品价格评定证书,自己的作品能得到这些国家部门的鉴定和认可,是对我莫大的鼓励和支持,内心美不胜收,使我更加坚定信念,跟随会派牡丹创始人李会教授持久学习,把国画“会派牡丹”发扬光大


Since 2023 in friends Liu Fengru there see will send peony, founder of the national level artist, Chinese elderly painting and calligraphy research researcher, Henan honorary President of the dean —— professor li, free and elegant, beautiful, make oneself shine at the moment, intoxicated, then send painter professor li will teach, specializing in traditional Chinese painting freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting peony. Under the careful guidance of the teacher, I worked very hard. I kept writing every day. With my persistence and efforts, my level increased day by day, and I painted my own beautiful paintings. Works had participated in the "New York Times Square —— overseas show" and won the "honorary certificate", in March 2024 won the art even network "distinguished artist", in April 2024 for "art network art appraisal committee" issued by the art works price evaluation certificate, their works can get the national department identification and recognition, is a great encouragement and support to me, beautiful, make me more firm faith, follow will send peony founder professor li will lasting learning, the traditional Chinese painting "will send peony" carry forward

Thanksgiving for meeting Professor Li Hui, which increases the happiness index and positive motivation for my old age life!


