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时间:2024-05-24人气: 作者: 浩宇


【 Chinese Culture, meet Paris Culture and Art Travel Online Exhibition 】


-- Recommended artist Zeng Chuanxing


















Zeng Chuanxing, born in Sichuan province in 1974, is a member of the Chinese Artists Association

In 2001, The Visitors (oil painting) participated in the first "Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition" in the 21st century and won the bronze award in China. Hangzhou. Provincial Exhibition hall;

In 2003, "Death" (oil painting) participated in the fifth Oil Painting Exhibition of Hunan Province ". China. Changsha. Provincial Museum; "Passing" (oil painting) participated in the regional joint exhibition of "the third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition in the New Century", China. Beijing. National Art Museum of China; Passing (Oil Painting) participated in the New Century-the third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition. China. Beijing, the National Art Museum of China;

2004 by The Paper Brides. Qi (oil painting) participated in the "10th National Art Works Exhibition" in China. Guangzhou. Guangdong Provincial Museum of Fine Art;

2009, The Red Paper Bride. Fish participated in the 10th National Art Exhibition. China. Wuhan. Hubei Provincial Art Exhibition Hall;

September 2011, Yellow Paper Brides. Fog Lake was invited to participate in Venezuela. Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Art Exhibition, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Venezuela:

August 2012, Red Paper Brides. The Great Wall, Flying was invited to participate in the 2012 Olympic Art Conference and Creative City-London Art Exhibition. The Barbican Centre, London.

On October 13,2016, one of the disappearing Civilization series. Old Wall participates at the Olympic World Congress of Fine Arts, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. National Museum

In November 2017, the work, jade Bride. TA participated in the 39th Painting and Sculpture Grand Prix and won the Washington Exhibition Award.

In April 2019, the work The Dusk of Guyu Lake was selected as the sixth Contemporary Portrait of Spain

Art Grand Prix " won the highest prize one first prize.

In 2019, the Blue Paper Bride. The Purple Rose won the first prize in the portrait of the 2019 American Art Grand Prix.

In 2019, " The Zada Site. The Former Glory won the second prize of realistic scenery in the 2019 American Art Grand Prix.

In June 2022, the work is "Dreamwork back to Hometown". Lily was selected to the fourth American International Flower Art Grand Prix and won the genius award.

In 2022 by The Black Paper Bride. One of the films was selected in the American International figurative Art Sculpture Competition and won the first prize.

In March 2023, the Red Paper Bride. Qi was selected to the fifth American figurative Art International Competition and won the genius award.

In May 2024, the Black Paper Bride. Late Autumn grief 2023 was selected into the 2023 Italian first Titian Portrait Art Competition and won the second prize.

《黑纸新娘·深秋哀思2023 》138 x81cm  2023年12月

《蓝纸新娘·泡影之四》 126 X75 cm  2022年


The humanistic concern of Zeng Chuanxing's oil painting


With spiritual beauty


Luo Yangmin


As a persistent defender of aesthetic art, Zeng Chuanxing has always insisted on aesthetically and implicitly expressing his ideas and emotions with the neo-classical method of creation. Since the 20th century, various art schools have sprung up in the public eye, the form and function of art have been broadened, and the boundary of art has become blurred from clear. Modern art, such as conceptual art, performance art, installation art, expressionist painting, is regarded as more creative and unique, and more popular with viewers and artists. In the context of this big era, unswervingly sticking to their own creative ideas and adopting traditional classical creative methods to express The Times we live in indeed require great courage and conviction. With his natural sensibility and diligence, Zeng Chuanxing created a large number of works, including sketches, sketches, and oil paintings. Since "Gone" in 2003 with a modern female paper bride wrapped in white paper entered the public eye, Zeng Chuanxing has been insisting on painting paper bride series oil paintings, until now "paper bride" has become a modern symbol. Zeng Chuanxing likes to place ignorant, immature and inspiring girls in the background of the natural environment, girls in various natural backgrounds or hesitation or melancholy, the posture of the girls in paper clothes is myriad, and some of them are Shouting as if waiting for the response of the distant mountains; Some look back directly, the eyes seem to come from eternity, looking through the heart; Some dressed in a red dress in the quiet mountain valley hands clasped, solemn expression, like praying something, full of religious solemnness and sacred sense; Still others frown, in the grey sky and dry old trees against the background, as if thinking about such grand propositions as the relationship between the universe and human beings. From these pictures, we can see Zeng Chuanxing's thinking on the nature of human beings and life, and feel his humanistic care and the spiritual beauty of man and nature.

《黄纸新娘·天下黄龙》160 x130cm   2015-2017年


The interpretation of Zeng Chuanxing's oil paintings

(一)灵性美  (1) Spiritual beauty




The 18th century German neoclassical esthetician Winckelmann once summarized the characteristics of ancient Greek art as "noble simplicity and quiet greatness". This sentence is equally appropriate to describe the image characteristics of Zeng Chuanxing's paper brides, whose quiet and simple appearance hides the waves of the author's endless feelings and intentions. Zeng Chuanxing injects the inner intense emotion into the outer form of tranquility and peace, and the contradiction between these two kinds of contradictions makes the picture have a powerful spiritual impact on the viewer's mind. Spirituality refers to the transcendent effect of energy conversion and information transmission between individuals and all things in the universe. With spirituality, people have pure and clear eyes and can communicate with all things in the universe. Plants and plants in nature will be close to you, and small animals will like you.

When the work has spirituality, it can penetrate the canvas and carry out heart-to-heart link and communication with the viewer, and the spiritual power generated will be more powerful. Zeng Chuanxing is a very reiki painter, and his reiki comes from the sincerity and purity of his emotions, but spiritual people are not necessarily liked by the world, because they are usually independent, not bound by secular consciousness, and adhere to the truth and truth of the heart, even at the cost of offend some people. He is kind and simple, and has the persistence and paranoia characteristic of artists. The paper brides under Zeng Chuanxing's pen are all very lively, and the pure and clear eyes make it difficult for the viewer to remove all their precautions and sincerely link heart to heart with the paper bride.

Judging from the modus and actions of the main characters, most of the paper brides are lonely and secretly sad, as if they are worried about some bad thing happening, and the hearts of the viewers are pulled up together. They are beautiful, pure and kind, but also fragile and perishable, as if the next second the bride disappeared under this mysterious and quiet background. The eyes are the window of the soul, Zeng Chuanxing attaches great importance to the description of the eyes, although the paper brides in the painting look sad, but the eyes are like a wang reflecting the Milky Way spring, with a natural gift of reiki. The aura conveyed by the picture not only comes from the model itself, but also benefits from the author's own understanding and natural feeling ability. The background of "Paper Bride" series is mostly dark, easy to give people a sense of depression and depression, at the same time, the author also puts the distant dark sky or distant mountains in a warm yellow light, to symbolize a ray of hope under the desperate situation. Under the shell of melancholy and sadness is the painter's inner longing for beautiful things and a glimmer of hope for the future.

《橙纸新娘·一抹圣光》  2013年

《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》 200 X160 cm 2009 -2014年

(二)人性美  (2) Beauty of human nature




The beauty of human nature in Zeng Chuanxing's oil paintings is reflected in his strong humanistic feelings. The so-called "humanism" is written in Ci Hai as follows: "Humanity refers to various cultural phenomena in human society", in short, it is the abbreviation of human culture, which respects all advanced and excellent parts of human culture from a universal perspective, while humanism refers to people-oriented, fully respecting human life and value, and giving full attention to the real world with a positive character of entering the world. This kind of concern and thinking goes beyond individuals and races, thinking about the world from the perspective of all mankind, concerned about the fate and survival of all mankind.

From Zeng Chuanxing's works, we can see his thoughts on the marriage problems of his era. The fragility of the paper symbolizes the fragility of modern marriage. The sad and melancholy eyes of the brides reflect Zeng Chuanxing's care and sympathy for women who are easily hurt in marriage. The spirit of humanism is also reflected in a strong sense of danger in peace. After a careful study of all Zeng Chuanxing's works, we will find that in addition to the symbol of "paper bride", there is another small symbol - "bubble". The "bubble" schema appears not only in many of his Paper Bride series works, but also in some of his sketching exercises. "Foam" is as fragile and perishable as "paper." In Chinese culture, "bubble" is often used as a metaphor for human vanity and fantasy. The "bubble" schema in Zeng Chuanxing's works is not only his thinking about the instability of marriage relationship, but also his concern about the seemingly peaceful and stable society and country, and even the fate of all mankind.

It was as if he was always worried that something bad would happen in the future, perhaps the disaster of the country, or the rise and fall of all mankind. I am afraid that only the author himself knows what kind of specific worries, and perhaps even the author himself does not know why the hidden worries in his heart. Only the author's innate melancholic temperament and the spirit of the world guide him to create this way. The "bubble" in the picture seems to warn the world that beauty is perishable, and there are many crises and decay lurking under the beautiful and prosperous life. Works with the beauty of human nature must reveal the goodness and truth of human nature. From the eyes of the brides dressed in paper, we can feel their inner innocence and kindness. In the face of the future, although they are confused and afraid, their eyes are still shining with hope. However, it is in such a group of beautiful, kind and simple girls, but experienced many bad things - the pain of marriage, which gives the work a layer of tragic color. When the viewer watches the work, he is haunted by a layer of subtle sadness and subtle and hazy beauty.

牵手》210 x180 cm 2009 -2022年

《红纸新娘· 泡影之五》 130 x110cm 2023年

(三)意境美  (3) Beauty of artistic conception


Artistic conception is the highest category of Chinese aesthetics and the highest aesthetic standard of Chinese painting, which has been admired and pursued by literati since ancient times. Wang Guowei, a modern aesthetician, put forward the distinction between "the state of self" and "the state of no self" in his book Human Ci. "There is my state" is that everything is my color, the emotion is exposed; "The state of no self" is the two forgetting of the object and the self, the painter and the work become one, the author's emotion and the object image blend with each other, and the emotional expression is more restrained and implicit. Zeng Chuanxing's works obviously belong to the latter, the author's feelings are naturally revealed in the depiction of the true description of the object, the picture of the work is not set, not deliberately natural beauty. Zeng Chuanxing's works not only inherited the traditional realistic techniques of Western classical masters, but also had the artistic conception beauty of Chinese painting, which benefited from his early learning experience of Chinese painting. Zeng Chuanxing majored in Chinese painting at the beginning of his undergraduate study, but changed to oil painting because he became more interested in oil painting.

《玉新娘·远方的TA 》70 X50cm 2017年

红纸新娘. 翡翠谷》 160 X130cm 2013 -2014年



The influence of Chinese painting on Zeng Chuanxing's works can be seen in many aspects. First of all, in the character modeling, Zeng Chuanxing attaches great importance to the description of eyes, as Gu Kaizhi said: "The portrayal of God, to write God." Although he was second to Zeng Chuanxing, he attached great importance to the use of lines and strokes, even if he chose the oil painting medium, he could still see the use of many lines in his works, and the lines of the characters' features, hair and eyelashes were tight and continuous, natural and smooth, just like the ancient hairspring depiction in Chinese painting. His works are not shaped by Western mask dyeing techniques, but by small brushstrokes. The direction and shape of the brushstrokes are very elegant, and the picture is full of poetry and writing sense. In addition, the background landscape treatment, do not do too much detail description, fuzzy brush strokes, and then reduce the color saturation and brightness, to create a vague, if there is no visual experience, but also the Chinese landscape painting of the hazy beauty.

Landscape background and paper bride integrated, a variety of colors of paper brides like scattered in the nature of the elves, guarding this vast land, but also unable to watch the tragedy is happening in the human scene, and because of unable to change the current situation and melancholy, difficult to hide sadness. This highly harmonious and unified state of man and nature has formed a unique artistic conception beauty. In his works, the details of the foreground characters are very fine, and the simplified treatment of the distant natural background becomes the ethereal and distant artistic effect, which gives people unlimited imagination and infinite meaning. Not only can make the viewer immersive, but also make people produce some out-of-picture association and perception. Paper brides want to talk, want to talk back to rest, look and behave like ancient women as elegant implicit giving people a sense of infinity and transcendent beauty.

《白纸新娘·往事如烟》 160 X120cm

《黑纸新娘·泡影》  2021年11

《绿纸新娘· 泸沽湖的传说》150 X130cm 2014年12

《橙纸新娘·心海》150X130cm 2013年

《红纸新娘·古宇湖的黄昏》120x67cm 2018年

《玉新娘·梦回永乐》138 X104.5cm 2015年

蓝纸新娘·紫玫瑰》150 x130cm 2013 -2018年

《逝》 150 X 90cm 2003年

